It is what it is

Monday, May 2, 2011

"it is said that the root of our discontent is self-absorption and our fear of being present. We can easily go from being open and receptive-an alive, awake feeling,- to withdrawing. Again, and again we run from discomfort and go for short term symptom relief, which never addresses the root of the problem" - Pema Chodron, Taking the Leap

Today was a much better day. I felt so alive and content. Every moment I felt my thoughts racing, I brought my mind back to now. I listened to the sounds around me, took 3 deep breaths, and felt my heart beat. I did this a tremendous amount of times. Just being aware of my patterns, and allowing them to exist without judgement is freeing.

I want to be present. I want to live in the here and now. Enjoy the moment I have, let my mind live in sync with my body. Chodron, in Taking the Leap, mentioned living in the presence and how hard it is for humans to do. Constantly we are rewinding to the past, or trying to predict the future. But what are we doing right now?

I was playing volleyball tonight and realized that while in activity, I am present. My mind is controlling my body, and my body is controlling my mind. I'm not reliving a conversation, or getting nervous about an upcoming encounter. I'm moving, analyzing, and truly living. My pain is there, but its not in control. What a wonderful feeling.

Presence. Here are some things that can help me become more present.
Pause. For three seconds. Throughout the day. Take deep breaths whenever you think about it.
Eat mindfully. I'm sure I'll blog about this later, but really sitting and enjoying everything I put into my mouth. Exploring where the food came from, the journey it took. What and who sacrificed so that I could fuel myself. Examining why I chose the food I did. Asking myself what hunger am I fulfilling? Sight hunger? Metabolic hunger? Organic hunger? Emotional hunger?
Food is personal and intimate. I have had such a strange relationship to food lately, and I would really like to be conscious and aware of what I'm putting in my body.
Think of myself as a close friend. I should be my best friend. I don't treat my best friend poorly. I say encouraging things, I check in on them. I worry about them and try to stay close with them.

How do you stay present? How do you enjoy the now?

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