It is what it is

Monday, April 13, 2009

this is me and fred in south dakota. i went to this theme park when I was a baby with my mom and sis and bro....and again now. i thought it was pretty symbolic. So i'm procrastinating right now. too much homework. ew ew ew.

good news is i feel like i actually have a grip on what to do. so THATS good.

and then my first semester of grad school will be over!!!!

i'm looking for spanish schools this summer, because i'm determined to learn.

did i tell you all (im not sure who reads this. mostly me and my sister probably. and mere is a follower. thanks mere)...anyways did i tell you that i'm reading Twilight in spanish? well i am. and i ACTUALLY understand most of it. seriously.

i would like to know what twitter is. i'm not going to do it. but i'd like to know what its about.

o ya, that first pic of me...this is me falling on ice. i was sore for 3 days. it hurt so bad, but i was laughing so much cuz i'm so clumsy lol. yes i said clumsy because i'm trying really hard not to say words like *stupid* *retarded* and *dumb*. i don't like those words anymore.

fuck is okay though. j/k.

1 comment:

  1. I follow too! Thank you for posting more lately..I'm loving it (in a non-mcdonalds kind of way)
