It is what it is

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

whats train in korean?

hehehe. i love and hate korea all at once. its fun but i miss America. i've been trying new foods so thats good!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kimchi, and other things.

on monday we went to eat lunch at cody's school and it was really really difficult for me. there was a seaweed soup, red bean rice, eggs with shrimp, raw potatoes, and a really good salad. i ate everything..and there was nothing to drink to wash it down. i felt like i was on survivor.

after lunch mere and i went shopping in downtown anseong. it was really difficult because i hadn't changed my money over yet and we realized that NOWHERE in anseong accepts my debit card. after three banks, i just changed my american money and that was that. we went to the CUTEST store and i could have spent a lot a lot of money getting clothes. they are SOOOO my style..i love it. i refrained and got a dress shirt and a sweatshirt. i think i might go back though. that night we took a 2 hour nap (shopping does that for me ) then we ate some bogili (sp?) and went out for Brad's was so good.

tuesday mere and i went to Suwon to the Folk Village. It was pretty fun. we watched three traditional Korean shows. One tightrope, one drum brigade, and one horse show. the horse one was my favorite. i'll post pics as sooon as the get off mere's camera.

we got home at like 7 and went out to dinner for brad's birthday again. dinner was good, traditional meat and rice, my favorite!!!!

today we're going to Chungju. i'll let you know how that goes!!

peace out. homes.

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